Slip and Fall Statistics
- The #1 cause of accidents in homes, hotels, restaurants, and public buildings (70% occur on flat and level surfaces).
- The #2 leading cause of injuries throughout the United States (Auto accidents are #1).
- The #2 cause for Workers Compensation & Liability claims (40% of all claims paid out).
- Slip & fall accidents are ranked second to motor vehicle accidents in annual injuries & deaths.
- Approximately 8-million slip & fall accidents are reported each year with over 500,000 requiring hospitalization, and 19,000 fatalities in North America.
- These accidents compile nearly half of all home accidents.
- They are the number one cause of accidents in super markets, restaurants, hotels and other public buildings. According to the National Restaurant Association, slip & fall accidents are the greatest source of general liability claims within the restaurant industry.
- The vast majority of tile floors, bathtubs and showers using OSHA or other industry standards prove that most establishments achieve a rating of "dangerous" or "very dangerous".
- According to an AARP report, slip & fall accidents represent 66% of injuries to those over 65, and 75% of the accidental deaths to this age group, proving particularly hard on the elderly.
- Falls account for approximately 15% of job site accidents, and between 12-15% of total worker's compensation costs.